It Starts with You.


Engaging in a comprehensive financial planning process is one of the most effective ways to create financial security and prepare for life's challenges¹.



1. Introductory visit (getting to know you)

Our process begins with a quick introductory visit to get to know you and your values.  We'll identify your priorities, preferences, and any obstacles you may have to working together.  We'll also mutually establish what your expectations are for us, and schedule a discovery visit if it seems like we're a good fit.



2. Discovery visit (exploration & preliminary planning)

At our second meeting, we'll take a deeper dive into your hopes, dreams, and balance sheet.  We discuss your goals, pain points, and risk profile while collaborating with you to develop a financial plan that achieves your objectives.  Feel confident knowing that as those objectives change, we'll systematically revisit the plan to ensure it aligns with your new path.



3. Commitment and implementation

When you are ready to commit to the process, our team will begin implementation of your foundational investment plan.  Once your portfolio is restructured, our advisors use state-of-the art cash flow modeling technology to forecast any variations to your plan - creating an an easy-to-follow roadmap that will guide you towards your financial goals.  These projections will capture the goals that are most important to you and outline the steps needed to conquer potential obstacles. 



4. Ongoing planning support & advice

Life is busy - the world is constantly changing and your goals will too.  When new priorities lead you in a different direction, we'll be here to analyze and adapt your plan so that it transitions along with you.  As a PRI partner, you will receive ongoing guidance from your advisor in the form of regular financial plan updates and annual tax return review & planning visits - along with supplementary insights and (live!) support from our staff.  Our fiduciary commitment is to educate, prepare, and manage our service relationship with empathy and respect. 


Book a call today to see how our process will bring you closer to your goals.



     ¹ 5 Ways Financial Planning Can Help (Charles Schwab)